Stand Up
We’ve recently studied the book of Nehemiah at church and as the weeks went by and we dug in, I couldn’t help but notice the correlation to today’s world. As in the time of Nehemiah, the wall of protection that was around Jerusalem is down around our country. The wall around Jerusalem was broken down because of the people’s sin. Due to their sin, God sent a foreign enemy to overtake them. So too, we have a foreign enemy that has infiltrated due to our sin and lack of diligence and is ready to overtake us.
We have no one to blame but ourselves. Brick by brick we’ve allowed the wall of God’s protection around us to be taken down. Each time we’ve sat back and allowed God to be taken out of the public square - the Ten Commandments not allowed in public buildings, the Bible and prayer removed from schools, the redefinition of marriage and the sacrificing of our children on the altar of Moloch and Baal - through abortion, government controlled (instead of parent controlled) school curriculums, gender fluidity agendas, radical feminism, labeling true masculinity “toxic”, passive men ceding control to women, women sacrificing the care of their families on the altar of a career.
Allowing our constitution to be ripped to shreds, the constitution that was our covenant with God to found this country on Him, on His Word. We sat silent while we allowed idols of our way of life to take the place of God. Idols of our prosperity, our ease, our convenience and using the Bible telling us to obey the government as an excuse. But if you read the Bible you will see that when our government goes in direct contradiction to God’s Word you have the right, the authority, the obligation to say “thank you, no thank you”. The King wrote an edict that only he could be worshipped. Did Daniel bow down to the King and say ok, the government said so? And what about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the disciples? We are Christians first.
The Bible tells us to not forsake the meeting together, yet we allowed our government to shut down our churches, some for months, and superseded God’s law. Our government has continually and consistently done away with God’s laws so why do we think we should continue to follow them and do exactly what they say?
I have unwittingly sat back and become part of the devil’s agenda. He wants us to be good, silent Christians. But I’m on to Satan now and I say NO MORE . Not on my watch. I don’t have a large audience but I will speak when God tells me to and I will continue to seek His wisdom and guidance and STAND on conviction and I will not comply. I will not be swayed. In this battle, that I have only really started to wake up to this last year, I have already lost much. But God knows this and He sees each tear and heartbreak. But He has also given me strength and upheld me when I’m ready to crumble under the weight.
And speaking of the devils agenda, have you ever looked into occult rituals? Me neither, until the last 8 months. I discovered Bohemian Grove (a place many government officials attend ceremonies worshipping Satan including human sacrifice), many government officials and celebrities count Marina Abramovich (a Spirit cooker which again calls for human sacrifice) as their spiritual leader. If you dig into this you will see that Occult rituals call for masks (a token of submission), 6 foot distancing, ritual hand washing, etc. Do you still think this is about a virus and our health?
It’s time Christians start paying attention. We can no longer stand by and watch our wall being torn down. Our country is under attack. But more importantly, we are in the greatest spiritual battle of our lifetimes. We have sat long enough allowing Satan to lull us into complacency. STAND UP. The Bible did not tell us to put on the whole armor of God so we could sit down. It’s so that we could STAND against the wiles of the devil, to get in the battle.
I sat for way too long with my head in the sand, voting through prayer, my conscience and morals and thinking this was enough and then shrugging when things didn’t go the way I wanted. If you think I’m talking about politics than you’re missing the point. This is not about one political party over another. This is literally good vs evil. We are watching Nazi Germany replay in front of our eyes. “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”
And if you think that it’s ok that German Christians sat back and watched Jewish people loaded in trains and herded off to concentration camps because the government said so then I can’t help you. And if you think God would be ok with that than you don’t really know who God is. Right now in Australia, citizens are being taken by gun point to concentration camps if they won’t comply with the government. And they started just like we did here in the US, with masks and stay at home orders. I pray that you will wake up and start paying attention. Australia is the practice country. This is coming here next. In fact it’s already started. Legislation is being considered in New York and Washington to force anyone deemed a health threat to quarantine camps.
I pray that you ask God for wisdom. And for those of you who know that the mainstream media lies and yet you still believe them about a virus and what’s best for your health, you need to turn off the TV and start asking God to show you real truth.
When Nehemiah saw the wall had been broken down and the gates burned he sat, wept and mourned. The people of Jerusalem repented, cried out to God and recommitted their lives to Him. So too the people of God need to do that now. We, like the people of Jerusalem, have allowed a foreign enemy to dwell among us. God was gracious to them and sent Nehemiah to rebuild the wall. Let us be Nehemiahs and rebuild our wall now. Start by repenting for allowing God’s law to be removed without a fight, for shrugging our shoulders and sitting by complacently instead of putting on our armor and brandishing our sword. Then ask Him to show you what truth is, to remove your fear and then get in the battle where He calls you to.
I pray you wake up and stand up before it’s too late.